This article exposes some problems addressed by Hans-Georg Gadamer on the universality of his philosophical hermeneutics as an introduction to it. In the first part, the historical background of the so-called "linguistic turn of the 20th century" is reviewed; then, in the second part, his culminating work Truth and Method (1960) is analyzed. The help of some secondary authors such as Jean Grondin is very useful as a prologue to the hermeneutical thought of the German philosopher, and highlights his disagreements with the analytical/Anglo-Saxon side, which allows us to understand the particularities of the Gadamerian proposal.
STOA is a biannual publication edited by the Institute of Philosophy of the Universidad Veracruzana, Tuxpan, No. 29, Frac. Veracruz, C.P. 91020, Xalapa, Ver., Tel. 8154285, http://www.uv.mx/filosofia. Responsible editor: Jesús Turiso Sebastián. Exclusive Use Rights Reservation No. 04-2008-121012511200-203, granted by the Copyright Reservation Directorate of the National Institute of Copyright of the Secretariat of Public Education, ISSN: 2007-1868. Responsible for the last modification of this issue: Jesús Turiso Sebastián, Tuxpan, No. 29, Frac. Veracruz, C.P. 91020, date of last modification August 5, 2011. Distribution and digital support by the Academic Software Development Department of the Universidad Veracruzana.
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