Consciousness and artificial intelligence Heidegger, Searle and Bostron
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How to Cite

Morandín-Ahuerma, F. (2023). Consciousness and artificial intelligence Heidegger, Searle and Bostron. Stoa, 14(28), 189–209.


The issue of whether artificial intelligence systems could potentially develop some form of consciousness or self-awareness is a subject of ongoing debate in the fields of philosophy, cognitive science, and computer science. Some authors such as Bostrom, Chalmers, Minsky, Hassabis, and Kosinski argue that consciousness is a property of certain complex information processing systems and that under certain circumstances, they could reproduce the necessary processes to generate a type of "artificial consciousness". Others, such as Searle, Penrose, and Dreyfus, argue that it is an exclusively human phenomenon with a biological correlate and that consciousness could not emerge in a machine. However, with the disruption caused by large language models and other self-generative technologies, this dispute seems to be unable to be resolved with a categorical answer. This paper argues that certain semantic aspects of the term must be resolved first in order to be extrapolated to non-human entities.
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STOA es una publicación semestral editada por el Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad Veracruzana, Tuxpan, nº 29, Frac. Veracruz, C.P. 91020, Xalapa, Ver., Tel. 8154285, Editor responsable: Jesús Turiso Sebastián. Reservas de Derechos al Uso Exclusivo Nº 04-2008-121012511200-203, otorgada por la Dirección de Reservas de Derechos del Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor de la Secretaría de Educación Pública, ISSN: 2007-1868. Responsable de la última modificación de este número Jesús Turiso Sebastián, Tuxpan, No. 29, Frac. Veracruz, C.P. 91020, fecha de la última modificación 5 de agosto de 2011. Difusión y soporte digital a cargo del Departamento de Desarrollo de Software Académico de la Universidad Veracruzana.

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